Things I’ve learned during this holiday vacation


What a difference a couple of days of not hustling and bustling makes. It also never fails that whenever I have more than the average weekend off I start to wondering how sweet it would be to be a stay at home mom. Then I think about bills, manicures and how much I love shopping for baby girl and it becomes a little easier to drag my ass back to work. So instead I enjoy every minute because they grow right before your very eyes.

Here are a couple of things I’ve learned/discovered about baby girl during my holiday vacation:

1) She’s totally begun forming 2-3 word sentences “hi mommy” “hi dada” “eat eat mommy” “it’s hot” “come elmo” and a couple of other fun things. She’s still very much giving us a piece of her mind in her own language and as funny as it is now, when we start to understand her I’m sure it won’t be so funny.

2) Babies are so gross sometimes! I’ve had the pleasure of being bathed in her newly discovered “talent”? blowing spit bubbles. 2 days ago I convinced myself that there was some kind of facial rejuvenation secret associated with baby’s spit that I was privy to before the rest of the world. And although I want to throw up in my mouth a little bit at the smell of dried up baby spit breath hands stroking my face, it is actually mucho endearing. So I just remember to hold my breath, bask in this moment and wash my face and her hands before bedtime.

3) If I don’t want to be assed out, LOCK THE BATHROOM DOOR! The other day we had company over and I excused myself to go to the bathroom, only for 2 minutes later to have this little one bust the damn door open like she’s the police. She then looked as if to say okay there you are and ran off with the door wide open and me not be able to leave the ahem potty at that very moment.

4) She’s a baby Florence Joyner Griffin and I am totes outta shape. Babygirl, her god mommy and myself visited the mall around Christmas, I decided to let her stretch her legs a bit and took her out of her stroller, MAN was that a bad idea! With arms pumping, her head straight back and those little legs going, homegirl took off running from one end of the mall to the other end. She didn’t even stop for a break, however her godmother and I had to tag team as if we were running a relay race to catch up with her. A bypasser commented “she’s gonna be fast” to which I replied in between heaving for air “uh she already is”. Me breaking a sweat is the understatement of the new year, who needs a treadmill when I can just let baby Flo Jo loose and try to catch her.

5) I used to wonder if people thought I was a little off for laughing so hard at baby girl when we were out in public but now I’m pretty sure they’re laughing too. I’m not exaggerating one bit when I tell you that she is possibly the funniest most entertaining little person I’ve ever met. Her new nickname Fun Muffin given to her by her godmother is obvi warranted. What with her facial expressions, comedic timing and all and she hasn’t even started really talking yet.

6) If our dog doesn’t pack a bag and run around from home this year I will be super surprised. I remember when we brought baby girl home from the hospital we were worried about how our doggie would treat her, we obviously had that mixed up. Although we know it’s out of love boy does she put a hurting on our poor doggie baby. Based on the cold cocks and bitch slaps she hands out I may have to rethink having another baby.

7) I’m totally in love!

My Baby Foodie

Looking back it all makes sense. Because I wanted to solely breastfeed babygirl stayed with me in my hospital room from night 1 only leaving me to go to the nursery to get bathed. And from night 1 when she was hungry she was HUNGRY. If I could translate her unusually loud scream into words it would go a little something like this “mom I’m hungry and I want my food not now but RIGHT NOW!” or “Feed me Seymour!”. It was so bad that we reached a point where everything was premade just to eliminate the time preparation took. Babygirl was serious about her food…and still is.

I’ve listened to numerous moms complain about their children’s eating habits and appetites, I’ve heard everything from their kids only wanting to eat one food continuously to them not wanting to eat anything at all. I can honestly say that we are truly blessed when it comes to this because babygirl loves food, I’ve never seen a baby with such an appreciation of the yummy things. She’s eaten and loved foods that even adults find to be an acquired taste. Although it’s sometimes difficult we try our best to introduce her to as many different fruits and veggies as we can find and thank the Lord Almighty she doesn’t seem to have an aversion to any of them so far (knocks on wood).

As I mentioned before sometimes it’s kind of difficult to keep her meals fun and exciting so we’ve started experimenting mixing different kinds of foods to avoid mundane meals. Like writing sometimes I get into food ruts and sometimes the creative juices don’t stop flowing. The past 2 weeks have been pretty creative and I know babygirl is thankful. How do I know? Funny you should ask! The first time it happened I just thought that she was in a super sweet mood. In between each fork full she would give the biggest bestest hug. By the time the meal was over I received at least 20 hugs. Later on that week I witnessed the same hugging pattern but this time her gram gram was the recipient. Tonight as I fed her fish with a medley of vegetables there were free hugs for everyone, even her toys! I think it’s safe to say I have a baby foodie on my hands!

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We Made It!!!

we made it 1

This past Saturday the 13th my babygirl turned One Year Old!!!

While I was pregnant every mom that I’d spoken to had different bits of advice but they all told me to enjoy every moment because it goes by sooooooooooo quickly. Just to think a year ago this little girl was cooking in my belly and developing into the little lady that she is today. Now she’s walking & running, singing, laughing, playing and starting to talk, all in what seems like a week. This time in 2012 I was scared out of my britches at the thought of being responsible for another person. I don’t care how tough and confident you think you are, when the life and well being of another is in your hands it’s pretty overwhelming and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying through their teeth. But now that she’s here I couldn’t think of anything else in this world I’d rather be doing than caring for her.

My sissy Kay and I were talking, well moreso celebrating not only that she turned one but also that I’d made it through a year without doing anything to majorly mess her up. I know that sounds crazy but that’s what it all boils down to. I’ve learned that it’s a fine line between being protective and smothering and a mommy’s job is to learn the difference and realize when each is required. Have I considered bubble wrapping the entire apartment so when she was learning to walk she wouldn’t feel a thing when she fell, hell yeah. But would that benefit her in the long run, probably not. Does it hurt my heart to see her cry when I tell her no when she tries to pull my charger out of the extension cord, absofreakinglutely. Would I rather have her cry than to have her get shocked, you bet your ass. Do I want to kick the ass of every kid that snatches a toy from her or shoves her, uh is my name Monica! But would that teach her to be violent and irrational, probably so.
we made it

Within the year it’s become more of a reality to me that I am her first example, from me she’ll learn how to become thoughtful, patient, kind, giving, caring, loving, smart, happy and a proper lady among a slew of other things. And so I am continuously and consciously striving to be the best example to her that I can be. And so here’s to babygirl turning one! Making through my first year of mommyhood! And practicing to be the best person I can be for her!

We made it!!!

No worries, I got this!