Picture This…

Last week I posted about the woes of potty training babygirl in the spirit of all things potty, imagine if you will my excitement (complete and utter sarcasm here) when I walked in baby girl’s room to find that she had pottied in her “big girl panties” while surrounded by her toys and I was left with the task of sanitizing each. and. every. one.  However, something amazing did come of it, the vibrant colors of all the toys struck me as a totally photo worthy moment.


But First Let Me Take a #Selfie


My mom and I bought my granny an iPhone a couple years back for photo, video and FaceTime purposes when she cares for Babygirl. She keeps accusing us of giving her the phone and saying here figure out how it works, I can’t agree with that. Anywho, she’s done a great job of becoming textually active and mastering taking the cutest action pics and videos of Babygirl. As far as I thought I knew, all questions had been answered regarding the functionality of her iPhone until last night.

As I’m standing at the sink washing dishes the convo went a little something like this…

Granny: Hey Mo

Me: Yes granny

Granny: Did you get the pics I sent you today?

Me: Yep, thank you. Oh, I have to change the filter on your camera.

Granny: Ok, while you’re at it you might as well show me where the selfie button is.

Me: *blank stare*

Nothing in my being is prepared to ever in life hear her say, sure I’ll send you a pic of Babygirl but first, let me take this selfie. Nope not ready! The curse and blessing of having a hipster grandparent who isn’t afraid of a little technology.

selfie 2

May Photo Challenge: Days 5 – 11

Pardon my lateness but I was basking in all my mother’s day splendor!  🙂

Here are sissy and I’s day 5-11 photos for the May Photo A Day Challenge!

Day 5: Paper

photo 1              IMG_2833

Day 6: Broken

photo 2     IMG_1190





Day 7: Something beginning with F

photo 3         IMG_2838

Day 8: Shape

photo 2    IMG_8547

Day 9: A Snack

photo 2 (2)    photo 1 (3)

Day 10: Stars

photo 4     IMG_8149

Day 11: A Smile

photo 1 (2)    IMG_7487

May Photo Challenge Days 1-4

What failures my sissy and I are!  We got through one complete week of the April photo challenge and then nothing.  In our defense there was a lot going on in April and maybe that wasn’t the best month to pick.  So we’re gonna give the may photo challenge a try. 

Here is the May photo a day challenge, feel free to join in with us and share your photos.

may photo challenge

Here are days 1-4 submitted by sissy & I:

Day 1: I bought this!

may day 1

may day 1.1










Day 2: Morning Ritual

may day 4.2 

may day 2.1









Day 3: This is really good

may day 3.2 

may day 3.1










Day 4: In my cup

may day 4.3may day 4.1

Picture This (April Photo Challenge)

For the month of April my weekly Picture This posts will be replaced with a week’s worth of pictures taken for the April Photo Challenge. I always try to do the challenges but I never follow through plus I told Lou at http://www.louslabyrinth.wordpress.com that I would give it a try. While finding a photo challenge for April my sissy Tammi and I found 2 pretty cool ones, because I’m uncertain that I can complete 1 nevertheless 2 Tammi is going to tackle one of the 2 that we found. She takes pretty awesome pictures so this should be cool.

Here are the two photo challenges that we’ve found for April

Tammi’s working on the left, I will be working on the right.

So here goes week 1 of the photo challenge:

Day 1: Selfie / Play
day 1: selfie

day 1: play

Day 2: Something Pink / Blue
Day 2: Something pink

Day 2: Blue

Day 3: Handwriting / Something that Starts with A
Day 3: Handwriting

Day 3: Something that starts with A

Day 4: Black & White / This Happened Today
Day 4: Black & White

Day 4: This Happened Today

Day 5: Weather / Something Good
Day 5: Weather

Day 5: Something Good

Day 6: Handwriting / Air
Day 3: Handwriting

Day 6: Air

Day 7: Spring / Dreamy
Day 7: Spring

Day 7: Dreamy

So week one is done!! I think we did a pretty good job. Looking forward to week 2. How did we do?

Picture This (Butterflies)

This past weekend babygirl, my sissy Tammi, my mom and I went to see the Butterfly Conservatory at the Museum of Natural History. I’ll admit that I was probably more psyched than everyone all put together. In addition to displays of some of the most beautiful butterflies I’ve ever seen, we actually got to be in a room with live ones flying all over the place. Two even landed in babygirl’s hair, that was a special moment for me even though she was wondering what the hell was going on and why everyone was looking at her and taking pictures lol. The conservatory was everything I hoped to see and more. And by more I mean the room was about 200 degrees, I felt like I popped a couple mollys. I was sweating Whew! If hell is that hot I need to start living right IMMEDIATELY…I digress, the trip was so much fun. Next visit will be to see the frogs. I’m also psyched about that. Here are a couple pictures from our trip!

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Location: Museum of Natural History
Source: Nikon 1j1
Photographer: Tammi & I